I always enjoy your FunnieZ :)

I may have a pain relief solution for you until you get more concrete answers – I just emailed it over!

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Thanks! I didn’t receive it.

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No steroids for me. It was severe and painful enough that the only way to fix my issue was surgery. I have heard of steroid shots for rotator cuffs or knees. This has helped the pain from some of the people I know who had those issues.

I really would suggest and MRI or x-ray. That way they can rule anything out, and can see your bones and discs. My orthopedic surgeon said one of the telling signs of a herniated disc is a radiating pain down one of your arms. Mine was so bad I couldn't lift my arm to hold a fork or brush my hair.

Nobody knows for sure what caused my issue. About 5 years before I had the ongoing pain, I slipped and fell in the shower and landed on my left side, hit my head and shoulder blade.

The instant the surgery was done the pain was gone. I was able to go home the next day, and was in a neck brace for about 2 months. I couldn't drive, but I was able to work from home.

Feel free to reach out directly if there is anything else I can help you with. I feel your pain!!!

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Regarding your neck pain... I had a similar experience about 5 years ago. It was suggested to get an MRI. It turned out I had a herniated disc. Mine was bad enough that it was pushing on my nerves, and creating the pain down my neck, shoulder and arm. I had to have surgery for a spinal fusion in my neck. I hope you find relief soon. That was the worst pain of my life... and I've had two children!!!

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I'm so sorry! Yea, that's where it hurts for me. Did they recommend steroids for you at all? What do you think was the cause initially? Thanks for sharing :)

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Especially enjoyed the funniez today :)

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