We made it to Friday! Only 5 hours and counting … until I have to keep working and doing other things because I’m a mom yaaaaay 🤗 This weekend, I am doing all the mom things AND hosting Super Bowl, plus I’ll be diving into my newest assignments (pitch me!). YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I’M WORKING ON??? MY COURSE. Yes. I promise/swear/all the things! I’m in the thick of it and I’m so #blessed with the amount of messages I receive asking about it. In the meantime, if you want to schedule something custom, let’s chat! Email me here.
As promised, Affiliate Marketing ABZs are back! If you’ve been toying with offering affiliate marketing services, bookmark this post. I made an outline for your sales/proposal deck featuring the nuts and bolts of what to include in a good affiliate marketing proposal. It’s for paid subscribers only, so if you’ve been toying with that too… It’s a great day to become one!
Other than that, it’s Friday and we all deserve to laugh more and read less so I’ve got some FunnieZ to get us there.
Do not read while drinking liquids.
Affiliate Marketing ABZs: Affiliate Marketing Proposal Outline
If you’re ready to start proposing affiliate marketing services, you need to work some good content into your proposals. Already have a proposal template? This outline will show you how to work on some content around affiliate marketing. Not sure where to start? Start here!
As mentioned, this outline is designed to offer the nuts and bolts of a good affiliate marketing proposal. It is absolutely NOT exhaustive, but it IS a great place to start. Use it as an outline to build your slide deck, and flesh it out with details about yourself and your offerings as you see fit.