Report: State of Referral Marketing 2024
Vol. 146: Can we please leave Kate Middleton alone now?
Want to look brilliant and helpful and oh-so-clued-in to anything and everything affiliate for your clients? Keep reading babes!
One of the many perks of having agency partner status at Impact, ShareASale, and the like is that I get tonnnnnns of relevant material about affiliate marketing. Sometimes it’s a super helpful infographic, sometimes it’s an after-action report on industry changes, and sometimes, like today, it’s a useful breakdown of the state of the industry that I like to pass along to clients so they stay on the up and up and, most importantly, know I will keep them there.
Today’s paid post summarizes the latest from SaaSquatch by Impact: The State of Referral Marketing Report 2024. It discusses the value of reaching high-value customers with referral marketing and how the industry dynamics are shaping brands’ marketing plans for 2024. In addition to my summary here, I’m happy to furnish any paid subscribers with their own copy—just drop your name and email in the comments, and I’ll pass it along!
If you’re a paid subscriber, keep on scrolling, cutie. If you’re not, sign up today, and you’ll not only get access to this report (which btw, upon sharing, your clients will LOVE and APPRECIATE and think you’re a GENIUS who cares SO MUCH about them!) but you ALSO get allllll the archives! It’s a few bucks a month, and well worth it. Quite literally cheaper than any subscription out there! OK, enough chit chat, let’s dive in.