Hello, my lovely paid subscriberZ! First and OF COURSE foremost: THANK YOU for your support and readership! I love you and I love you for being here. Let’s get to this week’s content, shall we?
Affiliate ABZs: Going Next Level with Affiliate Marketing
I could start this with a whole bunch of corporate-speak about drivers for incremental value and omni-channel approaches, but who the fuck wants that? You come here for honesty, good tips and plain language. (And maybe funny tweets.) So let’s be plain! Affiliate marketing can be a whole damn business in your business if you want it to be. It can literally become a whole new source of money. Lit-er-ally!
But, just like you can garden to grow your own food, you still have to take care of your shit. Luckily, I’m here to help. Here are 4 key ways to maximize your affiliate program.