Hellooooo and happy Friday, friendZ! It has been a W I L D week at Zlata Thoughts. My schedule felt like a pinball machine. Up, down, all around and crashing into shit along the way. I shuffled between client meetings, consulting (my forthcoming course for which I promise is still in the works!), and the usual affiliate, PR, and content writing stuff! BiZy.
Today’s post is all fun and games, and no one’s getting hurt. 😉
Some Personal/Professional ReflectionZ
On the heels of the Impact/Trackonomics news earlier this week, there have been some differing opinions floating around about what all this *really* means for affiliate marketing. And you know, I think that is a good thing in some ways — this is a real industry that gets bigger every day. As it grows, there are bound to be different approaches to investment. It’s okay. Really.
This newZletter is about educating others about the affiliate space (and making you laugh and smile!), which starts with educating myself in this space. Throughout this work, I learn new things. Like ALL THE TIME! And my goal with this platform is to share what I’ve learned about PR and affiliate marketing (and what I am still learning) with my readerZ, along with my own professional opinions.
I do like to share thoughts from others, especially when I recognize that they have a unique perspective. That they see things differently than I did — because that’s what learning is about.
Ultimately, I hope this newZletter always reflects these sentiments, and I genuinely thank you for joining me on the journey.
As a reminder, I work many, many hours to curate the content you see here. If you enjoy it (and I hope you do!), please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Subscriptions help me bring you more of it — and as a subscriber, you get access to the archives with all my previous issues.
Oh ☝🏻 and if you do subscribe, please respect the paywall. Sending paid content to non-subscribers is like stealing your neighbor's newspaper. Okay, I guess if it was 1989. In 2022, it’s just called being an asshole. Don’t be that person. 🫶
Media AffairZ
ABC, CBS and NBC plan to shift their primetime schedules on Tuesday, November 8 to cover the midterm elections. ::Rubs hands together::
David Letterman interviewed Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky for a special episode of Netflix’s “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction.” Letterman traveled to Kyiv for the interview, which is set to premiere later this year. There’s some joke here about how they both dabbled in comedy in their past lives.
Ryan Reynolds will be honored with the People’s Icon award at the 2022 “People’s Choice Awards,” airing Sunday, December 6 at 9p on NBC and E!. This is no doubt due in part to his iconic performance on the show “Fifteen” way back when.
For a new segment I’m calling PunchlineZ, where YOU give me the punchline, here’s the latest newZ:
Former Miss Argentina Mariana Varela and one-time Miss Puerto Rico Fabiola Valentín revealed that they are now married.
____insert punchline here via comment or in the chat thread. _____
Let’s see if this segment makes it to next week…C’MON PEOPLE! PARTICIPATE!
Because that’s what you’re really all here for.